On Medieval Principia in General
» keywords...Thomas Prügl: «Medieval Biblical Principia as Reflections on the Nature of Theology», in What is ‘Theology’ in the Middle Ages? Religious Cultures of Europe (11th-15th centuries) as Reflected in Their Self-Understanding, ed. by Mikolaj Olszewski, Münster 2007, pp. 253–276
» keywords...Athanasius Sulavik: «‘Principia’ and ‘Introitus’ in Thirteenth Century Christian biblical Exegesis with Related Texts», in La Bibbia del XIII secolo: storia del testo, storia dell’esegesi (convegno della Società Internazionale per lo Studio del Medioevo Latino (SISMEL), Firenze, 1 - 2 giugno 2001), ed. by Giuseppe Cremascoli and Francesco Santi, Florence 2004, pp. 269–321